In compliance with the dispositions of the articles 6-III and 19 of the law n° 2004-575 from 21th of june 2004 for the numerical economics Trust, we make the “” website visitors aware of the following informations :

The publication director is : Sébastien TERRY
TELEPHONE : +33 (0)5 58 48 52 89

Development and Conception: Disthinktive
Hosting : Disthinktive

The “” website cannot be held responsible of the inaccuracies or the typographic errors coming up on the service, or of any damages suffered because of its use.

The user stays responsible of his equipment and of its use, likewise, he supports himself the direct or indirect costs due to his connexion to the website.

It is recalled that the connexions secret isn’t guaranted on the internet web and it is up to each user to take the appropriate measures in order to protect it’s own datas and/or software from the infection by viruses circulating on internet.

The “” website is regularly updated by the “Disthinktive” team and is, as a matter of principle, accessible to the users 24/24h, 7/7, unless interrupted, for the needs of it’s maintenance or in case of force majeure.

In case of the impossibility to access the service, “” is committed to do what is possible to reconnect the service and to communicate previously to the users about the intervention.

Being submitted only to an obligation of means, “” cannot be held responsible of any damage, regardless of its nature, resulting of a service unavailability.

The creation of hyperlinks to the “” website is submitted to the previous consent of the director of publication.

The hyperlinks established in the direction of other websites from the representation or reproduction, full or partial, of the pages, datas or any other elements being part of the website, by any process possible of “”, cannot, in any case, incur liability of Disthinktive.

The reproduction or representation, full or partial, of the pages, datas and of any other element constituent of the website, by any process possible, is forbidden and represent, without the Disthinktive consent, a conterfeiting. Therefore, this is liable to legal proceedings, in compliance with the dispositions of the articles L.335-2 and following the Intellectual Property Code.

The use of “” website involve the full acceptance of the Legal Notice above. This one is  available for consultation by way of an hyperlink located on all the pages of the “” website.

Here it is reminded that the “” website developers keep track of the IP adress of any user.

As a consequence, he has to be conscient that in any case of judicial authority injunction, he can be pursued.